Providing therapy and counseling services for adults

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People seek therapy for all kinds of reasons:

  • You're struggling in your relationships

  • You're feeling depressed or even hopeless

  • You're feeling lost or "stuck"

  • You feel the need to be perfect all the time and struggle to love yourself or feel worthy

  • You're feeling helpless over an addiction whether substances, food and eating, or otherwise

But, how do you even begin to pick a therapist? There are pages to choose from. And, will you pick the right one? 

I believe that finding a therapist can take some trying on. It's like any other relationship: sometimes there is chemistry, sometimes there is not. 

I do believe there is hope and that you can find freedom and balance from what you are feeling and going through. And, I do believe that you don't have to do it alone.

Let's explore the terrain together and see if we are a fit. I love the work that I do and believe that you have within you what's needed to feel better. Sometimes it helps to figure it out with someone who can walk with you. 


AbouT ME

Find out about me on my bio page.



To schedule an initial phone evaluation to see if we may be a good match, call or contact me via my website form.